Is it Moby?
Here he is! Is it moby? |
When I look at this painting, I think to myself, this looks like the whale that stoved the whale, that then stoved the boat. I liked the idea of having a lot of action in the painting but focusing the main picture on one giant whale! That is what the tail and the head and the spout are all about...ACTION!
I love his spout! It looks like a heart! |
The frame is nice and old, I would date it to 1875, correct me if I am wrong, please. I like to learn. The glass is bubbly and distorted. There is a small chip that was in the glass, making it less than perfect.
See the chip? To me, it makes it authentic. I don't mind it! |
I always like to include my featured piece beside some of my other work so that you can see how it blends.
There she is, sitting proudly on a sailboat. You can see, all the colors go greatly together. These paintings have been all completed at different times over the last 5-7 years, the lighthouse maybe even older.
I love nautical and the distressed frame! |
Some of the things that stand out to me are the water and the heart-shaped spout. I also like the little slash marks that are ever so slightly painted on the whale. Can you see them?
I included the remote so that you can have a feel for the scale. This painting is like 6X11" |
I love how the colors look beside my antique set of painted drawers. |
It's alway fun working on projects like this. I hope you enjoyed reading about my thoughts on this piece, "Is it Moby?"
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