Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Victorian Winter Mermaid Town Scene

Snow Taxi 
Snow Taxi 
I have so much fun painting these winter scenes.  While painting this one, I couldn't decide what to call it.  After a little thought, I found myself thinking that they looked like they were "waiting" for someone, almost like UBER or a taxi.  It was then that I came up with my title Snow Taxi

Victorian with Fabric liner 
I always think victorian when I am painting snow scenes.  When I was a young girl in the 60s, this frame must have been in vogue because my mother bought a lot of these frames.  She was an artist, too~ SMILE. 

I decided that to properly photograph this painting, I would need to hang it.  This was one that I thought I had sold, but the customer wanted me to frame it in a lemon gold frame.  Because I didn't have one this size, we agreed that I would paint something different for her, making this now available for purchase.  

Here is a HEAD on shot.  Sorry about the flash. 
I have a lot of hard wood flooring in this house.  I think that I will let the picture up because it just looks really good!  I am going to list the painting on ETSY if you are interested.  

29 1/2 X 33 1/2 SIZE 

As you can see this is very big.  It would fit over a bed nicely or inside a door.  I have mine hung inside my front door.  With the holidays coming, why not buy a prop!!! 
There are a few condition issues with the frame but it doesn't affect the look of this piece one bit.  The painting itself is recessed behind the glass which is antique and wavy! 
This is not visible at a distance 
Like many things in life, when you look at them from a distance, you miss all the details.  That is definitely true of this frame.    There is so much going on that you don't really notice a chip out here and then.  Plus it adds to the over all look of the piece, I think! 

Here's a closeup of the canvas.  I spend a lot of time making it look OLD! 

Thanks for taking the time to view this.  I know it was a long one! 

She is saying SEE YOU, and catch the next taxi! 
Have a merry Christmas! 


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