Treasure of the Sea
Frame has a strong mint cast that makes the Sea Puppies stand out! |
It's been a while since I have had the chance to post. Please don't think I am not working! I am busy working a little each day on these lovelies!
The colors are coming across a little deeper than the original. |
I had a few glitches trying to photograph this. I took it outside and brought it in, trying to get the colors correct. Let's just say it's close and leave it at that.
This is a good one because it shows the mint frame against white. |
Nothing is set in stone with this painting. I have NOT varnished it. I am waiting on the customer to see if she wants to change anything….including the frame color.
Here it is with some of my KEEPERS. (But, Not the ship in the gold to my left~I am waiting on antique glass) |
You can see, the colors all meld, which is always my goal. That way (if I am fortunate), I can sell multiple paintings to the same customer and have a flowing that is truly "Kolene Spicher."
Another OUTSIDE shot. |
I love the little dogs. The dog on the right goes with the girl on the right, and the same for the dog on the left. The Little White Dog has an "Anchor" around his neck…so sweet. Hey, maybe I should manufacture dog anchor collars!
Painting wouldn't be complete without my sailor MEN. |
I usually do similar backgrounds on my mermaids. Let's just say it's become my 'trademark'.
Love the coral bouquet! |
There are so many little details about this painting! I really love it. The SCRIPT in the ocean says it all!
Nothing is quite like THE TREASURES OF THE SEA.
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